POLS 2301 Written Topic Assignment (Solved)

Topic Assignment Rules

For the first extra credit grade of the two-part letter assignment, you will be picking out a topic that interests you in order to be able to effectively write a letter to your elected official. Pick a topic that is on the national or state level that is of a concern to you. I have listed topics that you may choose from below. To get ideas about these topics, I recommend looking at newspapers, magazines, online news sites, your Congressman’s website, or watch the national news on TV. If you find that there is a current bill about your topic, please include the name and number in your letter (i.e. House Bill 292).


Topics of national concern can be one of the following but is not limited to:

  • The environment
  • National security
  • The military/war
  • Immigration
  • Social Security
  • Federal income taxes/tax reform
  • Health insurance
  • Foreign relationships (i.e. trade agreement with China, investigations with Ukraine, etc.)
  • Sexual equality and harassment
  • Religious equality and harassment
  • Opioid/drug addiction
  • Legtializaon of drugs – overall banning, overall legalizing
  • National minimum wage
  • Welfare areas (i.e. housing, food stamps, etc.) – can be national or TX

Topics of state concern can be one of the following, but is not limited to:

  • Education
  • Specific gun laws – Open Carry, Banning AK-47s, etc.
  • Abortion–specific laws, such as banning in the 3rd trimester, heartbeat bills, etc.
  • Welfare areas (i.e. housing, food stamps, etc.) – can be national or TX
  • Marriage/divorce
  • Mental health
  • Election laws
  • State economy
  • Prison/criminal reform
  • Licensing for professionals
  • Coronavirus handling

Topics of county concern can be one of the following, but is not limited to:

  • County records (i.e. County Clerk, County Treasurer, etc.)
  • Emergency management services (i.e. after hurricane)
  • Collecting property taxes
  • Vehicle registration
  • Registering voters
  • Maintaining main county roads
  • County law enforcement

Topics of municipal concern can be one of the following, but is not limited to:

  • Local law enforcement
  • Local ordinances/laws
  • Residential roads
  • Water and sewer
  • Community development 

If you want to write about an issue not listed, please contact me so that I can work with you on the details.

Once you have picked out your topic, you will need to determine who/where you will need to send your letter.

  1. If you are writing on a topic that is a concern for the national government, you can choose to write to a U.S. Senator or a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. You are also welcome to write to President Trump. Please choose the elected official that represents you:
    1. Senators: https://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
    1. Representatives: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative
  2. If you are writing on a topic that is a concern for your state government, you can choose to write to a Texas Senator, Representative, or the governor (These people are located in Austin):
    1. Use the following website and it will give you both your Senator and Representative: https://wrm.capitol.texas.gov/home . DO NOT choose a State Board of Education official or any other as several may be listed with your Senator and Representative.
  3. If you are from another state, you are welcome to write to someone who represents you at the national or state-level. If you are an international student, please write to an elected official who represents your current address or someone in your country. 
  4. Look on your county and city’s websites if you are writing to one of them
  5. NO DISRESPECT!!! You will receive a zero for this assignment if you show any signs of disrespect.

Topic Assignment

 You will need to turn in a Word document with the following.

Assignment is due Monday, November 9th.

The assignment will count as your Exam 3 extra credit.

Your form must be extensively filled out.

No late submissions will be accepted!

Your name: _______________________________

Who you will be writing to: _________________________

Area that they represent (i.e. Beaumont, Houston, etc.): ______________________

Your address: _____________________________________________________________

The issue/topic that I will address in my letter is:


My position/argument on this issue is:


You must use at least one news article, statistical research, or personal story in your letter to support your position. Facts/Stories that I can use to back up my position/argument (please EXTENSIVELY explain): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Additional Details

Type of serviceEssay/Term Paper
Pages/Words1350 words   
POLS 2301-Intro to American Government I

Solution To POLS 2301 Written Topic Assignment

The attached sample paper analyzes issues from the course POLS 2301, mainly three interesting issues that include:

  • Immigration and Immigrants in the USA
  • Legalization of Marijuana
  • Abortion regulation in America. 

We can also help you complete other POLS 2301 -Introduction to American Government I or POLS 2302 -Introduction to American Government II term papers, assignments, or essays on several topics, such as: –

  • Jurisdiction
  • Bill of Rights
  • American Political Culture
  • Economic Freedom
  • Economic equality
  • Liberty
  • Democracy
  • Confederation
  • Separation of Powers
  • Federalists
  • Political Efficacy
  • Political Equality
  • Anti-Federalists
  • Articles of Confederation
  • Personal freedom
  • Shay’s rebellion
  • Auxiliary precautions
  • Articles I, II, III, V, VI
  • Alexander Hamilton
  • James Madison
  • John Marshall
  • Judiciary Act of 1789
  • Original jurisdiction
  • District courts
  • Appellate courts
  • Appellate jurisdiction
  • Supreme court
  • John Roberts
  • Dual federalism
  • Enumerated powers
  • Implied powers
  • Adam Smith
  • John Maynard Keynes
  • Laissez faire economics necessary and proper clause
  • Commerce clause
  • Tenth Amendment
  • Reserve powers doctrine
  • Bicameral legislature
  • House of representatives
  • Senate
  • Appointment
  • District and redistricting
  • Speaker of House
  • Senate majority leader
  • Senate minority leader
  • House minority leader
  • Establishment clause
  • Due process clause
  • Selective incorporation
  • 1th, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th Amendments
  • Exclusionary rule
  • Clear and present danger
  • 13th, 14th, 15th
  • Stare decisis
  • Little Rock Nine
  • Thurgood Marshall
  • Freedom of choice plans
  • White flight
  • The “black codes”