RHAB 5720 Counselling Theories Theoretical Orientation Paper

RHAB 5720 Counselling Theories Theoretical Orientation Paper

COUNSELING THEORIES – RHAB 5720    Spring 2023

Theoretical Orientation Paper Assignment and Grading Rubric

  1. Write a paper articulating your personal philosophy and theory of rehabilitation counseling based on an established counseling theory. Describe the process of developing and assimilating the various theoretical perspectives we have studied this semester into your own personal theory. You may find that one of the theories we study is congruent with your own perspectives about counseling process and rationale, or you may describe how you have integrated more than one perspective. Describe how your personal theory would be applied in the context of a rehabilitation counseling setting. You must discuss at least two theories we have studied this semester- even if only to describe them and explain why you disagree.
  2. Papers should be between 6 and 8 pages long, excluding reference page.
  3. The term papers must be typewritten, proofread, double-spaced, and are expected to show evidence of clear thought. Plan ahead so that your paper will be turned in ON TIME in quality fashion.  Late papers will be subject to lowering the overall grade. Specifically, papers turned in after the due date will be reduced by 15 points, and for each subsequent day late the grade on the paper will be reduced by 15 points. References are required, and you should utilize at least 5 references form scholarly, peer-reviewed journals. You are to use the American Psychological Association style manual (7th edition) for the format of papers.
  4. Papers will be evaluated on the following criteria (see rubric below for additional detail):
  • Content & Comprehension- (demonstrated understanding and effective relating of substantive information; analysis/synthesis)- 40%
  • Organization- (coherence, logical and ordered sequence and presentation of ideas)- 20%
  • Scholarship- (knowledgeable use of relevant literature and appropriate resources)- 20%
  • Writing style/Mechanics- (grammar, spelling, appropriate APA text and citation format)- 20%

See grading rubric below for grading guidelines.


History– Personal experiences that influenced the development of you as a counselor and your theory of counseling.  Background information related to the development of the theoretical system

Major constructs– Concepts and main ideas that compose the theoretical system.

Integration of Major Theories– To what extent have you been influenced by existing theories inside or outside the coverage of this course.  Provide description of the theories and provide references.

Human Nature– What are your beliefs about human nature?  What motivates people- our behavior?  Is your theory based on determinism or humanism?  Do you take a developmental or growth approach?  How do you define mental or psychological health?

Goals of counseling/The process of change– What are the goals or what is the purpose of counseling?  How do you define a successful counseling experience?  Who defines the goals and who monitors progress toward them?  What factors bring about change in the individual as addressed by the theoretical system? How would the relationship be characterized?

Intervention strategies– Techniques and methods used to translate the theory into practice

Applications– How well does your theory apply across the various contexts in which you might see yourself working?  In different settings/with people of different cultural backgrounds?  Are there any limitations in applying your theory, particularly as they relate to working with persons with disabilities?

Grading Rubric:

For this assignment your grade will be based on the following elements and criteria, which represent guidelines for grading. Maximum: 175 points.

Criteria For full credit:
Content & Comprehension-  40% (demonstrated understanding and effective relating of substantive information; analysis/synthesis) 1. Student clearly demonstrates advanced understanding of the relevant counseling theories, techniques, and rehabilitation counseling issues addressed in paper;

2. Student effectively, efficiently, creatively, and professionally presents information relevant to their philosophy and theory;

3. Student effectively integrates at least two existing theories, demonstrates advanced analysis and synthesis of theories under consideration. Student provides description of the theories with APA-style citations and references.

4. Student addresses each component and majority of the questions provided in the outline.

Organization- 20% (coherence, logical and ordered sequence and presentation of ideas)


1. Student presents information in a logical and effective order, clearly delineated with the use of APA style headings


Scholarship- 20%  (knowledgeable use of relevant literature and appropriate resources) 1. Student demonstrates knowledgeable use of relevant literature and appropriate resources beyond the course text and assigned readings; full-credit will not be given if only the textbook and readings assigned in class are used. Sources from professional journals are highly recommended.
Writing style/Mechanics- 20%

(grammar, spelling, appropriate APA text and citation format)

1. APA Style and writing:

–        Citations and references are APA style;

–        Headings are used, and are APA style formatted;

2. No grammar, spelling, or APA style errors

3. Student demonstrates clarity, efficiency, and professionalism in writing style.